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DJ DGAP-DD: Altana AG english

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DJ DGAP-DD: Altana AG english

Notification concerning transactions by persons performing managerial responsibilities pursuant to section 15a of the WpHG Directors' Dealings notification transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG. The person with duty of notification is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. =----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details of the person subject to the disclosure requirement Company: SKion GmbH Person performing managerial responsibilities, triggering the disclosure requirement for the legal person Details of the person performing managerial responsibilities Position: Member of an administrative or supervisory body Information about the transaction with duty of notification Description of the financial instrument: Shares ISIN/WKN of the financial instrument: DE0007600801 Type of transaction: Purchase Date: 11.02.2009 Price: 12.83 Currency: EUR No. of items: 405000 Total amount traded: 5196150 Place: over the counter Explanation for publication: Weighted Average Price Information about the company with duty of publication Issuer: Altana AG Abelstraße 45 46483 Wesel Deutschland ISIN: DE0007600801 WKN: 760080 End of Directors' Dealings Notification (c) DGAP 16.02.2009 Financial News transmitted by DGAP ID 8986

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

February 16, 2009 05:12 ET (10:12 GMT)

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