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DJ euro adhoc: Semperit AG Holding / Release according to article 93 BörseG with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution

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DJ euro adhoc: Semperit AG Holding / Release according to article 93 BörseG with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution

=------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notification of voting rights transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement. =------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Person/company obliged to make the notification: =----------------------------------------------- Name: Semperit AG Holding Place: Vienna State: Austria Company data: =------------ Name: Semperit AG Holding Address: Modecenterstrasse 22, 1030 Wien Place: Vienna State: Austria 03.02.2009 Semperit AG Holding: Announcement pursuant to § 93 Austrian Stock Exchange Act with the purpose of European-wide distribution Pursuant to the provisions contained in § 93 Austrian Stock Exchange Act, Semperit AG Holding announces changes in the voting rights within its shareholder B & C Privatstiftung. However, as a result of these internal changes the accumulated shareholding of B & C Privatstiftung in Semperit AG Holding did not change. B & C Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH is now the foremost company within B & C Privatstiftung. B & C Unternehmensbeteiligungs GmbH, which is indirectly 100 % owned by B & C Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH, has transferred its entire shareholding in Semperit AG Holding to Andreas Schmidradner GmbH, which also is indirectly 100% owned by B & C Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH. B & C Holding GmbH, which is directly 100% owned by of B & C Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH, has also transferred part of its shareholding in Semperit AG Holding to Andreas Schmidradner GmbH. As a consequence of these internal changes Andreas Schmidradner GmbH now holds 10.286.718 shares and voting rights of Semperit AG Holding which represents a shareholding of slightly above 50 % of the issued capital of Semperit AG Holding. B & C Holding GmbH now holds 859.199 shares and voting rights of Semperit AG Holding. This stake represents approx. 4.18% of the issued capital of Semperit AG Holding. From now on B & C Unternehmensbeteiligungs GmbH has no more voting rights in Semperit AG Holding. B & C Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH hence holds indirectly 11.145.917 shares and voting rights of Semperit AG Holding, corresponding to approx. 54.18 % of the issued capital of Semperit AG Holding. end of announcement euro adhoc =-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

February 03, 2009 11:25 ET (16:25 GMT)

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