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DAS INVESTMENT kürt gemeinsam mit der Münchner Analysegesellschaft FWW Fundservices GmbH in jeder Ausgabe die besten Angebote einer Anlagekategorie (Aktien Global, Aktien Europa, Hochzinsanleihen etc.). Dabei berücksichtigt die Redaktion nur Fonds, die mindestens fünf Jahre alt sind und mindestens 10 Millionen Euro Volumen auf die Waage bringen. Punkten können die Testteilnehmer in drei Bereichen: Performance, Stressverhalten, Aktives Management. Die dort erzielten Ergebnisse fließen im Verhältnis 40/30/30 in das Endergebnis ein. Mehr Infos zum Testverfahren.

  Fonds Punkte
Pkt. Perfor-
Pkt. Stress-
Pkt. Rating Perf. 3
Verlust 3
Vol. in
Mio. €
1 Investec Global Gold Fund 249 92 97 60 -45.5% 62.0% 137
2 Tocqueville Gold 224 86 73 65 -49.8% 64.8% 78
3 Blackrock World Gold Fund 220 75 93 52 -47.9% 63.1% 2.039
4 Falcon Gold Equity Fund 214 82 67 65 -48.7% 65.4% 103
5 DJE Gold & Ressourcen 187 57 100 30 -35.6% 48.4% 51
6 Lombard Odier World Gold Expertise Fund 182 65 67 50 -51.7% 67.5% 102
7 Invesco Gold & Precious Metals Fund 161 44 77 40 -47.6% 62.8% 24
8 ETFS Daxglobal Gold Mining ETF 160 66 74 20 -51.2% 69.6% 56
9 Deutsche Invest Gold and Precious Metals Equities 138 38 80 20 -55.1% 67.3% 52
10 Aberdeen (Swiss) Global Gold Equity Fund 132 53 79 0 -53.9% 72.7% 17
11 I-Shares Gold Producers ETF 128 41 77 10 -54.9% 71.4% 242
12 Pioneer Funds Austria Gold Stock 126 46 60 20 -54.0% 68.4% 35
13 Konwave Gold Equity Fund 126 53 48 25 -58.1% 73.3% 54
14 Comstage Nyse Arca Gold Bugs ETF 106 33 73 0 -56.5% 73.1% 104
15 Edmond de Rothschild Goldsphere 99 24 70 5 -55.9% 71.3% 26
16 Franklin Gold and Precious Metals Fund 96 5 81 10 -57.0% 69.2% 64
17 Amundi Equity Global Gold Mines 95 23 67 5 -56.1% 71.3% 84
18 Earth Gold Fund UI 90 28 48 14 -61.8% 72.8% 52
19 Stabilitas Silber + Weißmetalle 87 29 48 10 -60.9% 72.0% 20
20 Craton Capital Precious Metal Fund 72 9 51 12 -67.6% 76.1% 40
21 Market Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF 45 5 40 0 -72.5% 81.9% 1.386
Punkte Outperformance
  Fonds Punkte
Perf. 1
Perf. 1
Perf. 3
Perf. 3
Perf. 5
Perf. 5
ges. 1.
1 Investec Global Gold Fund 92 12.9% 23 -45.5% 24 -16.3% 20 25 5 5 5 5 5
2 Tocqueville Gold 86 14.2% 27 -49.8% 20 -18.4% 19 20 5 5 0 5 5
3 Falcon Gold Equity Fund 82 13.3% 24 -48.7% 21 -21.1% 17 20 5 5 0 5 5
4 Blackrock World Gold Fund 75 17.0% 28 -47.9% 22 -25.4% 15 10 5 0 5 5 -5
5 ETFS Daxglobal Gold Mining ETF 66 21.8% 29 -51.2% 19 -31.3% 13 5 5 0 0 5 -5
6 Lombard Odier World Gold Expertise Fund 65 10.8% 21 -51.7% 18 -25.1% 16 10 5 5 0 -5 5
7 DJE Gold & Ressourcen 57 3.6% 14 -35.6% 25 -19.7% 18 0 -5 5 5 -5 0
8 Konwave Gold Equity Fund 53 9.4% 20 -58.1% 9 -29.4% 14 10 5 -5 0 5 5
9 Aberdeen (Swiss) Global Gold Equity Fund 53 31.4% 30 -53.9% 17 -36.8% 11 -5 5 -5 -5 5 -5
10 Pioneer Funds Austria Gold Stock 46 13.6% 25 -54.0% 16 -37.5% 10 -5 5 0 0 -5 -5
11 Invesco Gold & Precious Metals Fund 44 6.0% 16 -47.6% 23 - 0 5 -5 5 5 5 -5
12 I-Shares Gold Producers ETF 41 13.9% 26 -54.9% 15 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Deutsche Invest Gold and Precious Metals Equities 38 6.1% 17 -55.1% 14 -36.8% 12 -5 -5 0 5 -5 0
14 Comstage Nyse Arca Gold Bugs ETF 33 11.4% 22 -56.5% 11 - 0 0 5 -5 0 5 -5
15 Stabilitas Silber + Weißmetalle 29 -7.0% 10 -60.9% 8 -43.3% 6 5 -5 -5 5 5 5
16 Earth Gold Fund UI 28 -1.5% 12 -61.8% 7 -39.0% 9 0 -5 -5 0 5 5
17 Edmond de Rothschild Goldsphere 24 7.4% 19 -55.9% 13 -40.8% 7 -15 -5 0 0 -5 -5
18 Amundi Equity Global Gold Mines 23 6.7% 18 -56.1% 12 -40.6% 8 -15 -5 0 0 -5 -5
19 Craton Capital Precious Metal Fund 9 1.8% 13 -67.6% 6 -49.7% 5 -15 -5 -5 -5 -5 5
20 Market Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF 5 -6.9% 11 -72.5% 5 -59.9% 4 -15 -5 -5 -5 -5 5
21 Franklin Gold and Precious Metals Fund 5 5.9% 15 -57.0% 10 - 0 -20 -5 0 -5 -5 -5
  Fonds Pkt
Vola 3 Jahre Pkt.
Vola 3 Jahre
Max. Draw-down
3 Jahre
Max. Drawdown
3 Jahre
Beta Faktor
3 Jahre
Beta Faktor
3 Jahre
1 DJE Gold & Ressourcen 100 19.9% 30 48.4% 40 0.60 30
2 Investec Global Gold Fund 97 27.4% 29 62.0% 39 0.87 29
3 Blackrock World Gold Fund 93 30.6% 28 63.1% 37 0.96 28
4 Franklin Gold and Precious Metals Fund 81 31.7% 26 69.2% 31 1.01 24
5 Deutsche Invest Gold and Precious Metals Equities 80 32.7% 23 67.3% 34 1.04 23
6 Aberdeen (Swiss) Global Gold Equity Fund 79 31.1% 27 72.7% 25 0.96 27
7 Invesco Gold & Precious Metals Fund 77 33.4% 19 62.8% 38 1.05 20
8 I-Shares Gold Producers ETF 77 31.8% 25 71.4% 27 1.01 25
9 ETFS Daxglobal Gold Mining ETF 74 32.9% 22 69.6% 30 1.04 22
10 Comstage Nyse Arca Gold Bugs ETF 73 32.5% 24 73.1% 23 0.99 26
11 Tocqueville Gold 73 33.6% 18 64.8% 36 1.05 19
12 Edmond de Rothschild Goldsphere 70 33.0% 21 71.3% 28 1.04 21
13 Amundi Equity Global Gold Mines 67 33.4% 20 71.3% 29 1.05 18
14 Falcon Gold Equity Fund 67 34.9% 16 65.4% 35 1.10 16
15 Lombard Odier World Gold Expertise Fund 67 34.5% 17 67.5% 33 1.09 17
16 Pioneer Funds Austria Gold Stock 60 36.4% 14 68.4% 32 1.14 14
17 Craton Capital Precious Metal Fund 51 36.3% 15 76.1% 21 1.12 15
18 Earth Gold Fund UI 48 39.5% 12 72.8% 24 1.25 12
19 Stabilitas Silber + Weißmetalle 48 42.4% 11 72.0% 26 1.32 11
20 Konwave Gold Equity Fund 48 37.6% 13 73.3% 22 1.19 13
21 Market Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF 40 44.0% 10 81.9% 20 1.37 10
  Fonds Pkt
Feri Pkt.
Lipper Pkt.
Morningstar Pkt.
Sauren Pkt.
Telos Pkt.
1 Falcon Gold Equity Fund 65 A 20 5 20 15 10 3 5 3 10 1 0
2 Tocqueville Gold 65 A 20 5 20 13 5 4 10 3 10 0
3 Investec Global Gold Fund 60 A 20 5 20 14 10 4 10 0 0
4 Blackrock World Gold Fund 52 B 10 5 20 12 5 4 10 2 7 1 0
5 Lombard Odier World Gold Expertise Fund 50 B 10 5 20 12 5 3 5 3 10 0
6 Invesco Gold & Precious Metals Fund 40 0 5 20 14 10 4 10 0 1 0
7 DJE Gold & Ressourcen 30 0 3 5 11 5 5 20 0 1 0
8 Konwave Gold Equity Fund 25 B 10 4 10 10 5 2 0 0 1 0
9 Deutsche Invest Gold and Precious Metals Equities 20 C 5 3 5 11 5 3 5 0 0
10 Pioneer Funds Austria Gold Stock 20 D 0 4 10 10 5 3 5 0 0
11 ETFS Daxglobal Gold Mining ETF 20 C 5 3 5 11 5 3 5 0 1 0
12 Earth Gold Fund UI 14 C 5 3 5 6 0 2 0 1 4 1 0
13 Craton Capital Precious Metal Fund 12 D 0 3 5 6 0 2 0 2 7 1 0
14 Stabilitas Silber + Weißmetalle 10 0 4 10 4 0 1 0 0 0
15 Franklin Gold and Precious Metals Fund 10 0 2 0 12 5 3 5 0 1 0
16 I-Shares Gold Producers ETF 10 0 2 0 10 5 3 5 0 1 0
17 Edmond de Rothschild Goldsphere 5 D 0 1 0 6 0 3 5 0 1 0
18 Amundi Equity Global Gold Mines 5 D 0 2 0 7 0 3 5 0 1 0
19 Market Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
20 Comstage Nyse Arca Gold Bugs ETF 0 0 1 0 8 0 2 0 0 1 0
21 Aberdeen (Swiss) Global Gold Equity Fund 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0

Sortierkriterium: Punkte Gesamt, Quelle: Testverfahren DER FONDS, Berechnung und Daten: FWW Fundservices GmbH (Stichtag: 3. Februar 2015), Wertentwicklung auf Euro-Basis